I remember the first couple of weeks after Cameron was born I learned that taking a shower was a luxury!! He was also eating every two hours and our nursing sessions were extremely long! I'm not complaining I just had to put other things aside. Today while I was in the shower I realized how far we have come. During nap time today I was able to trim the boxwoods in front of our house, bag the scraps up, mow our front yard, come inside take a shower AND shave my legs, dry my hair, put make-up on (which poor Jason normally doesn't see me in much anymore), eat lunch and type this! Now grant it he is getting to nap in his swing, which we rarely do anymore--in fact it has been several months since we have used it, but I decided to pull it out the other day so he could lay in it while watching his Praise Baby DVD.

Oh yeah and this past weekend when Daddy was washing the cars he thought it would be a good idea to give Cameron some blue gatorade!

Other exciting news...at about 7 and 1/2 Cameron starting cutting his bottom two teeth at the same time. Now at 8 months and a week you can see them pretty good!
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