Monday Cameron had his 4 month dr. appointment. I had been dreading this one because I knew my little guy would be getting more shots. His two month ones were painful for both of us. I had warned Jason about how terrible it was going to be since he was able to come with us this time. When we got there we were told he would be getting 4 shots (I thought it was only 3). I was ready to get it over with. Daddy held his legs and I his arms...and guess big deal! Completely different from his 2 month shots. I held his passie and he grunted with each shot but took it like a champ. By the time were we scheduling his 6 month appoint. he was happy as a lark talking to me. I'm so glad these were much easier! Our not-so-little guy has really been growing lately. Here are his 4 month stats:
Weight: 15 lbs. 3oz (50th %)
Height: 25.25" (50th%)
Head: 16 1/2" (50th%)
Looks like he is right in the middle for everything. He has gained over 6 lbs in the last two months and my arms can definitely feel the difference! He is as healthy and happy as can be!
Another big milestone!!! Cameron rolled over by himself! (4months 4 days) I had my little squirt laying naked on the rug in the bathroom getting ready for his bath, and all of a sudden he went from his back to his side to his tummy! I was so proud of him and called his daddy at work right away. Cameron was really proud of himself. He is quite the wiggle worm and I really have to keep my eye on him...he is ready to go places!
He is so adorable!! Love his baptism gown and I cant believe how big he is getting. Now that he is rolling crawling will be right around the corner. I swear they just get more and more fun with every age and stage!