Friday, February 27, 2009

Baby movements!

I am starting to feel our little one move now!!! Wednesday I was standing up and felt a little something in my stomach. Since then each day I have felt little movements! I have been waiting for this and anxiously waiting to feel our little one moving. Last night when Jason and I were sitting on the couch I felt a little kick--he quickly put his hand on my belly but we didn't feel anything again. I can't wait for Jason to be able to feel him/her too! This morning it almost felt like he/she was just tapping on my belly ("hey mom, I'm right here") I told him to do it again once his Dad got home from work too. Hopefully within the next week or 2 we both will be able to feel our baby move. One week and 2 days until we find out if this baby is a he or a she!!! We are so anxious and can't wait to see if we will be smothering a boy or girl with our love--we have so much to give...

1 comment:

  1. Feeling the baby move is the best thing in the world! It always helps make the pregnancy more real. I'm glad that all is going well for your pregnancy. Can't wait to keep hearing all the news on the baby. Love ya'll!!!
