Wednesday, April 6, 2011

loving life

I have had alot of moments lately where I have just paused and thought about how thankful I am for "these days". I know my "just mommy and Cameron" afternoons are coming to an end once we welcome our new baby girl into our family, and I'm just cherishing the one-on-one time I am getting to spend with him right now. Life just keeps getting sweeter.

The day I married my best friend October 21st, 2006 (going on 5 years ago) brought on many new adventures and a whole new chapter in life. I mean I'm not just saying that to sound clique that I married my best friend....I really did. I can remember the first moment that I met Jason at Auburn Christian Fellowship my freshman year at Auburn and can even remember our conversation...there are very few people who I remember my first encounter with and even fewer the first words we shared with one another. There was something special about this guy and even though it would take me a few years to realize just what God had put right before me..he did open my eyes..eventually. I'm just grateful for the patience that Jason had. He is a Godly man and I love him from the deepest part of my heart. He encourages me in my daily job, reminds me to forgive and forget and makes me want to be a better giver. I am grateful for the days of "just Jason and I" and our family of two. We got to experience new things and go places together for the first time and just enjoy married life.

Life got even sweeter when I saw those two lines on my pregnancy test after trying for months and months. Our world changed and life would never be the would be better. Nights of just Jason and I laying in bed at night talking about our future turned to having a wiggle worm in between us sipping on his bedtime water and eating gerber puffs by the handful as if he were at the movies enjoying his popcorn. Praise Baby, Toy Story, and Bugs Life became our new selection of movie on Friday nights instead of a PG-13 romantic comedy or action movie (though there are some pretty darn funny lines in Toy Story and Bugs Life too). I am so thankful to be at home with Cameron and even more humbled that God has entrusted me with him. We spend our days eating popsicles in the sun, playing in the sand and throwing rocks in the river at the end of our street. He reminds me that it's the little things in life that can really make you smile if you just slow down (though Cameron is anything but slow) he finds joy in the simple things.

As I have rocked him to sleep for his naps each day I look at his face and then glance up at his tiny footprints I had made on a heart-shaped keepsake in his room from his birth. He has grown so much and is turning into a little boy. I love him with every fiber of my being and feel like he is the closest I can get to tangibly feeling God's love. I love these days with agenda no set schedule other than meals and naptime....just care-free days of enjoying life together.

We have known from the beginning we wanted Cameron to have a sibling. We were so excited when those pink lines popped up again. Shortly after before that baby had a heartbeat we lost him/her. God saw something wasn't right. To our amazement only a few weeks later we had another growing baby with a strong heartbeat. A baby girl! Life is about to get even sweeter. Hard to imagine but I know it will. Don't get me wrong I am positive there will be days of tears and frustration and major transition (especially for little guy who gets all the attention right now). Our family of four is sure to be one of double diapers, double boo-boos, double tears, but also double smiles, laughs and giggles and happy moments. "God life is so Good!" moments.

I know this season in life won't last forever but today I am thankful for where I am right now!

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