Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas time, 16 month big boy, and big news!

So I realize I am a terrible blogger. I like catching up on other peoples but rarely sit to write one myself. Lots has been going on in our world lately...great things! My favorite brother got married last month to one of my favorite people. It's funny to see him all grown up and married living on his own now. I'm so proud of the young man he has become and of the wonderful Godly bride he choose to spend his life with. They are two of our best and dearest friends and I'm thrilled they have one another.My sister, her husband and three kids also moved here (a few days shy of the wedding--busy times). I'm so excited to have her here with me now and to see my nephews and niece every week! Those kids all love Cameron to pieces--I have to remind Caleb to just give him a high five--that seems to work better than the neck hold with kisses. I know as Cameron continues to grow older those two will be great friends. They are just 11 months apart and now will be so close. There have already been many nights where the 4 of them have crowded in the tub at night together. I'm sure we will all have many adventures together.

Cameron has turned into quite the cuddle bug at night. He has a toddler bed in our room and falls asleep pretty good in it most nights. However he does require that I lay next to him until he is asleep--he knows if I try to sneak up in my bed. I love the way he wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me close. I cherish these moments. Other big news...I think he is officially weaned now. Some people may think it's weird but actually I'm a little sad about it and will miss those times with him. If it were up to him I think he would nurse as long as I let him...we have been gradually cutting things out and now it's been 2 days so I think now at 16 months he will be finished. He gets lots of snacks during the day now. I guess I kinda look at it as my baby is growing up, which is a bitter sweet thing. The fact that he LOVES any of the three Toy Story movies and now Astro-boy also makes me think that my little one who used to only watch baby einstein and mickey mouse clubhouse is growing into a little toddler boy. However he will always be my baby. He is a mama's boy to the core.
This is handy manny, but you get the point. He gets in the zone!
He has loved the Christmas lights! Every morning when we walk out to the living room he points to our three things that have lights and we go switch each of them on (our Christmas tree, our mantle with our nativity scene, and another wicker-type decorative tree).If you've read my blog you read that I had a miscarriage back at the end of September. Jason and I were so suprised since it took awhile for Cameron. We had no idea how much longer if would be before God blessed us with number two...well it took less than 2 weeks!!!! We are so excited and praying that everything goes smoothly this time. I am almost 9 weeks and have seen our tiny baby and seen and heard that miracle's heart beating. My progesterone levels were very low last time and this time they were way up there with great HCG levels too. I'm not as nervous as I thought I might be. God has given me a great peace about everything. Tuesday we go back for another ultrasound (3 weeks since our last one). We should see something that looks alot more like a baby with movement too! Please keep this baby in your prayers.I'm hoping by mid-July Cameron will be able to share mom a little easier than now.
God really continues to pour out his blessings on us. He has been so good to me.

This is one of my favorite pics from watching the iron bowl in our warm living room.
I'll try to update sooner next time!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!! I'll be praying for baby #2. It IS hard to let go of the "baby" when weaning, but at least it won't be too long before you do it all over again!! I love seeing what little Cameron is up to since he and Miller are so close in age. He's a cutie!
