I have really missed being able to go to church so easily on Sunday mornings. I've been able to make it to either Sunday School or Sonday Live (Contemporary Worship) but had not yet tackled going to both back to back on a Sunday. I realize I could put him in the nursery I'm just not there yet--plus with the flu going around I'd rather not expose him to so many kids. Sunday we decided to tackle them both in the same day. It went well...grant it I left about mid-way during Sunday School to sit in one of the offices and feed my little guy. Cameron loved the music in Sonday Live (we sat in the very back so we could make a quick get-away if needed--which it was). He wasn't fussy just had an explosion and needed to be changed...we headed to the children's minister's office changed and ate a little more until church was finished. Hey it's a start---it's tough when he misses his nap in the morning. On Sunday afternoons Jason and I always head to my parents house for lunch--something I really enjoy. That afternoon Cameron was laying on Grandaddy's legs and he was playing around/tickling and all of a sudden Cameron let out a long laugh. It is the happiest sound to a new mothers ears. Tears filled my eyes because it made me so happy to hear him laugh like that. I've had little glimpses of a giggle but nothing like this. Today he is 12 weeks old. I am thankful for each day that I have had with my little man and am so excited about the days ahead we will share together..and the laughs...
He is changing so fast before my eyes. He is about double the size he was when we brought him home 12 weeks ago.